► Lower limb
Origins and insertions of the muscles of the hip, the thigh and the leg
M quadratus iumborum ■
M obliquus internus abdominis «
M. transversus abdominis
M, iliacus
M . sartorius
M rectus femoris
(Bursa iliopectinea)
M. gluteus minimus
M. vastus lateralis
M iliopsoas '
M vastus intermedius
M. psoas major
M obturatorius internus
M, piriformis
Lig sacrospinale;
M. anococcygeus
M. pectineus
M obturatorius externus
M adductor iongus
M adductor brevis
M gracilis
M adductor magnus
M quadratus femoris
' M biceps femoris
M semimembranosus
M quadriceps femoris
M biceps femoris
Lig. collaterale fibulare
Retinaculum patellae
Tractus iliotibialis
M extensor digitorum
M fibularis
[peroneus] Iongus
M adductor magnus
M. vastus medial is
M. sartorius
M. gracilis
M semitendinosus
Lig patellae
M tibialis
Fig. 1323
Origins and insertions of the muscles at the
lower lumbar vertebrae, the pelvic bones, the femur and
the proximal extremities of the bones of the leg;
ventral view.
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